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Color Mode

When you use the ChakraProvider at the root of your app, you can automatically use color mode in your apps.

By default, most of Chakra's component are dark mode compatible. To handle color mode manually in your application, use the useColorMode or useColorModeValue hooks.

Tip: Chakra stores the color mode in localStorage and uses CSS variables to ensure the color mode is persistent.


useColorMode is a React hook that gives you access to the current color mode, and a function to toggle the color mode.

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Calling toggleColorMode anywhere in your app tree toggles the color mode.


useColorModeValue is a React hook used to change any value or style based on the color mode. It takes 2 arguments: the value in light mode, and the value in dark mode.

Here's an example that changes the background-color and color using the useColorModeValue hook.

Click the Toggle Mode button to see it in action.

This box's style will change based on the color mode.
Editable Example

Forcing a specific mode#

In some occasions, you might want Chakra components to look the same in both light and dark modes. To achieve this, wrap the component in a LightMode or DarkMode component. Doing this will override the global colorMode.

Click the "Toggle Mode" button to see it in action.

Editable Example

Change color mode behavior#

Starting from v1.0, you can now set default color mode or use default OS color mode.

To support this, pass the initialValue prop to ColorModeScript component and set it's value to light, dark or system.

By default the initial color mode is light. All you need to do is add ColorModeScript script as the first child of body.

With Next.js#

Here's how to add it for Next.js:

With Gatsby#

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Proudly made in by Segun Adebayo